R.I.P. Thunderbird 1.2GHz

Got up, ate breakfast, read my e-mail, drove to work and realized that my server, ‘SHODAN’, from which I had gotten my e-mail only minutes ago was not responding any more. So I try hunting for it in the usual subnet, thinking that it may just have switched IPs on me and forgotten to update …

Need more spam!

Today I finally investigated a long standing issue with my little server beastie: Whenever the load went up, I would get error messages stating ‘spamd[…]: bayes: cannot open bayes databases … R/W: lock failed: File exists’. Usually the problem was only temporary and I would get my e-mails anyway, sometimes I’d have to go into …

Hello, Apache 2.2 here.

Wow, I knew that I’d have to do some reconfiguring when I saw that the new apache 2.2 packages were about to remove libapache2-mod-security due to a dependency issue. What I didn’t know was that I’d have to redo all the configuration steps taken during the upgrade from 1.3 to 2 again. You can find …

I trashed the server …

… but I did not touch the registry. OK, enough with the singing, my server doesn’t have a registry anyway! (at least not the one known from a certain operating system) I DID however manage to mess up the configuration of my SMTP daemon. Sure, you might say that that is not a first, as …
